We spent the last couple weeks out where the buffalo roam... or in our case, where they remain lying down and swat flies off of themselves without paying any mind to the motorcycle passing by.
Our annual Black Hills trip is always something we look forward to- ten days camping with family and friends in the beautiful mountains- who could ask for more?

How many children can Uncle Trevor fit on his motorcycle? Five- for a quick picture, anyway.
Our nieces and nephews really make the vacation what it is- noisy, busy, wild, full of fun. (We'll have to see if we can recreate this picture next year with EIGHT little ones... I don't know how they'll all fit!)
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It seems like every year, we find something else to explore... this year, we got to see a lot of caves. We went on a tour in Wind Cave, and also did some cave hunting of our own on a side-by-side that we rented just for the occasion. So fun.
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We also took a day to do my favorite ride- Spearfish Canyon. We do it every year, and I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. (This picture was on top of Cement Ridge)

Roughlock Falls

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We had a great time camping and a good trip home (missed a ton of hail!), and it was good to come back home.
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Trevor was working on catching up on lawn mowing (since we had more than five inches of rain while we were gone), and found this little guy. It's hard to see in the picture, but his tail was bright purple!
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I missed out on a picture last week, but here's 29 weeks!
I can't believe we're already in the third trimester- baby is coming soon! And I'm feeling like I have a lot to do yet-- now that vacation is over, Mission Get-Ready-For-Baby has begun.
Have a great week- count the blessings!
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