The weather is warming up, the sun is shining, and this guy is shedding all over the place.

(Good thing he's cute.)
This is pretty inopportune, seeing as we'll be heading back to Iowa soon, and the idea of locking ourselves in a vehicle with Mr. Sheds-A-Lot for ten hours isn't really appealing.
We'd bought a cheapie plastic brush to contain some of the fluff last spring, but it just wasn't going to cut it this year with the sheer amount of hair coming off of my dog.
*I received no compensation of any kind for this review. This post contains affiliate links*
Fortunately, Trevor's good at researching stuff using Youtube reviews, and came across this beauty-- The Original SleekEZ
(The review he watched featured horses, specifically, but Bear's about the size of a horse, so...)

My opinion?
I think this thing should be renamed.
Seriously. It should be The Original "Holy Cow, How Can He Have This Much Hair?!?!"

Bear doesn't think I'm funny.

Honestly, though, the amount of shedding hair that this thing gets out of Bear's coat is amazing. With every stroke, his loose fluffy undercoat comes up to the surface to get caught by the springtime breeze. This thing is the best pet groomer I've ever used.

The SleekEZ is a really simple concept- just a block of wood and a metal serrated edge. The hair doesn't get clogged up in it, so you don't need to clean it out.
Bear doesn't mind being brushed with this tool at all, but he is pretty easy going and doesn't mind much of anything, so that might not be a good indication.
We bought the ten inch one (my dog is large), which appears to be out of stock at the moment, but there are smaller sizes available, too. For a medium dog, I'd go with the 5 incher.
You don't wanna use this thing inside, unless having clumps of blowing hair drifting across the living room floor doesn't bother you.

Seriously, this isn't even half of it (from today's brushing alone).
Hopefully, regular grooming will slow down the shedding-in-the-car issue, at least on the cross country trip moving back home... otherwise, pray for us. And bring a vacuum.
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The SleekEZ is a great option for short haired dogs but for my thick double coated husky, the paws pamper undercoat rake is the best hands down! Gets down in there and pulls out all that dead, loose undercoat with no problem.