This past... well, more than a month... I've been sharing with you some thoughts about how we can (and should) make the Bible a priority in our lives.
I have to admit, I'm kind of a terrible failure when it comes to consistent time in the Word. I've preached these past few months to myself as I've typed my thoughts out to you.
I know that I don't know everything (or even a lot) about this topic-- the more voices joining together to bring inspiration, tips, tricks, and encouragement, the better.
So I asked my fellow Christian blogger friends to chime in and give us their tips for a more consistent Bible reading practice. Here you have it!
Keep yourself accountable for spending time in the gospel with a small group or with friends! My small group has decided to read the bible in a year. We created a google calendar of what chapters to read everyday. Works like a charm!- Janelle, With Some CertaintyHaving a Bible study book to walk through with a friend. Right now we are doing Priscilla Shirer's book on Gideon. - Bonnie, Espressos of Faith
Consider it a discipline. Four years ago, I found a time of day, a certain daily reading plan and a group to discuss it with on a regular basis. Today, I cannot tell express enough how much the Bible has come to life for me.- Tracey, Traces of Faith
Without a doubt my #1 tip is Have a PLAN. It won't happen otherwise.- Lynn, Every Day with the King
What has helped me the most is by finding some sort of group online or women's book devotional that helps you read the Bible, whether it's a passage or a book of the Bible or a topic mentioned throughout the Bible. For me, devotions reading the Bible need to be applicable and relatable and reading a study written by women (like She Reads Truth) totally helps me!- Reeve, The Girl on the Verge
I LOVE the idea of S.O.A.P Studies. It helps me stay consistent when I am lacking motivation. Basically I choose a starting point in the Bible and read until something grips my spirit. And then I write down that (S)cripture, Talk about what it means to me and make (O)bservations about how it corresponds to present day, Write how I am going to (A)pply that verse to my life, and end in written (P)rayer. I like this method because it gives me something to look back on and it gives me time to reflect and make the information relevant to my life. - Lo, All That Motivates
For me its finding routine but even apart from that it's finding little nuggets of time to read: long wait at the doctor? Read a chapter or too. Hour or so before your next appointment? Meeting a friend for coffee? Go a few minutes early and read. Its about finding moments where you can read instead of checking social media. - Keri, Little Light on a Hill
I LOVE the idea of S.O.A.P Studies. It helps me stay consistent when I am lacking motivation. Basically I choose a starting point in the Bible and read until something grips my spirit. And then I write down that (S)cripture, Talk about what it means to me and make (O)bservations about how it corresponds to present day, Write how I am going to (A)pply that verse to my life, and end in written (P)rayer. I like this method because it gives me something to look back on and it gives me time to reflect and make the information relevant to my life. - Lo, All That Motivates
For me its finding routine but even apart from that it's finding little nuggets of time to read: long wait at the doctor? Read a chapter or too. Hour or so before your next appointment? Meeting a friend for coffee? Go a few minutes early and read. Its about finding moments where you can read instead of checking social media. - Keri, Little Light on a Hill
What helped me, besides starting it as a habit and slowly growing in grace, was when I started viewing my time in the Word as extremely precious time spent reading a love letter from Jesus! I love getting letters, and this is the best one anyone has ever written for me!- Amanda, Maple Alps
I don't open my laptop (and do my best not to open my social media apps) before I open my Bible and journal!!! Because most of my life (as a student and blogger) means that most productivity happens on my computer, I'm not able to work on anything before I talk to God. This really helps me keep the most important thing the most important thing.- Casey, Casey Capra
He tells me everything about Himself that my finite mind can only begin to comprehend. He wants me to know everything about Him. He has revealed things about Himself that I would only know about Him by reading and listening to His Word. - Alayna, The Girl Who Does Everything
Figure out what works best for you. If you're a morning person, schedule a block of time each morning to read the Bible and don't allow yourself to skip this time. If evenings work best for you, set aside a time each evening/night to dig into the Word.- Abbey, Small Town Soul
My tip is simply to pray for the urge to read His Word. I struggled for a long time with motivation to get up that half-hour earlier so that I could make some morning time for God, and it often still is difficult. At some point though, it just became so clear in my soul that I needed time in the Word like I needed food, and that only came from consistently praying for a desire like that. - Heather, Heather Here and There
As I read the Bible, and I find something that I find beautiful (the Bible is quite poetic, you know) or interesting, I write the phrase down. Then I draw what I read. I love to use water color or to practice my calligraphy. Next, I research. I try to find out if the Bible mentions the phrase anywhere else and I write the new reference down as well as where I found it originally. Then I scan my artwork (so I can keep it), edit it so it's centered and perfect, print it out, and hang it in my room so I can look at and think on the beauty of the Lord's Word. This really helps me because I look forward to writing and it's always nice to have pretty things in my room.- Timia, Exodus Treasures
Habit and relationship! Habit- I used to have time with God in the evenings when I was a teen, then in the mornings in my late 20s and now it's at nap-time when the kids are sleeping (or pseudo-sleeping!) It's become part of my routine. Relationship- when I'm feeling blah about it, I put on worship or just spend time asking God to show me how He sees me, that He loves to spend time with me and it's not just a religious duty.- Brooke, The Vine Press
I am terrible with routine, but I find that the more I focus on Gods grace through praise and worship, the more my heart pulls me to his word! My favorite thing to do is dance to Mercy Me... It truly leads me to open up the book!!- Rosie, Needing Grace
Motivate your quiet time to keep it interesting, fun, and number one... Journaling, Scripture Art, Blogging, and Highlighting are my "go to." - Stacey, Gracefully Overcoming
Your Turn:
What helps you to stay consistent in reading the Bible? How do you make your quiet time a priority?
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Gods Truth !
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, Ally! I love the suggestions of other bloggers, as well! Thank you so much for being a part of the #MomentsofHope community! I appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and smiles,