The time of year when I spend more of my day in my office than I do anywhere else.
It's summer at camp, people. And as the chief registration-processor/queen of the phones, there's a lot that falls on my shoulders when it comes to my part of making summer camp run smoothly. It's a privilege and a joy.

Even more so because I'm stocked up with all this good stuff.
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My office is like a second home. Like a good friend. Like a warm bath.
Okay, maybe not that last one.
Despite all the paperwork constantly on my desk, the occasional random foam dart gun, and more coffee cups than there are pencils, this little haven of mine is where I get to live out my calling to encourage and to administrate.
And honestly? It wouldn't be the same without these favorites of mine.
Engaging my floppy core, providing extra seating and endless "waiting for the form to load" fun, this little rubber joy-bringer has a permanent place in my office.
And I kind of think it's trendy, so there's that, too.
In all honesty, processing registration forms can be... um... mundane. It's the same fourteen steps, over and over, with slightly different information.
Even though campers with unusual food allergies bring a little interest into it, there's not a whole lot that on a registration form that's truly inspiring.
So I listen to sermons. Without bugging my office mate. And with these particular headphones, I look official and they don't fall out when I bop around on the ball. I usually just put the right one in my ear, and leave the left to dangle.
I've always been a little particular about my pen selection. It has to be smooth, but not too smooth. Quick to use, but not cheapy feeling. Thin enough to write in those tiny check-in report boxes, but no so thin that it's hard to read.
After much searching, these pens are perfect.
After much searching, these pens are perfect.
And I need multiple colors to help keep me on track.
Blue for notes, payments, and other stuff; red ones to check off completed forms and for making notes of action steps.
Binder Clips
Ah, the simple binder clip. You wouldn't think that a little hunk of metal could be so... so... delightful, but they really are.
I use these for everything (and I love the multicolored ones).
Of course, you can use them to clip papers together, but I also use them to label stuff. I have my (multiple) notepads labeled with binder clips, for example (with ugly masking tape on top. It gets the job done.)

And in drawers that double as filing cabinets, it's handy to have a label that is easily visible vertically.

Hand Lotion
Nothing is quite so luxurious as taking a minute to take care of those typing fingers.
Colorful Folders
Not only do they brighten up the office, but having colored manila folders really makes a difference in organization.
I know exactly what's in each folder, just by looking at it. Yellow for youth camps, teal for adult retreats, red for payments to process.

And I can tell my summer office assistant to grab me the purple folder, and she knows exactly what I need without opening a folder and rifling through it. Not that she does that. But you get the idea.
Sick of looking at the inside of my office?
Oh, come on. I love it in here.
Hold on, I have to get the phone....
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