Today's Featured Farmer is Krista of The Farmer’s Wifee.
Welcome, Krista, and thanks for joining us!
1. Tell us a little about yourself!
My husband and I are first generation dairy farmers from Washington. We have three kids, and milk 140 cows.

I love to write, take photos, travel, and meet new people. I love agriculture and the people in it, and I'm passionate about helping farmers/ranchers find their voice and share their AG story with others.
I love boots, possibly addicted to them. I have an addiction to chickens. They are totally a hobby, but I love farm fresh eggs and seeing them run around the farm. My favorite color is turquoise and I can't stand cats. I would love to add pigs to our farm as in have a facility built and add it to our farm as more than a hobby.
I share our everyday farm life on my blog, "The Farmer's Wifee". I am also the co-founder of "Ask the Farmers," I'm a CommonGround volunteer, and new board member for the AgChat Foundation.
2. How did you get started in agriculture?
My husband moved to my hometown in 2009 to start his farm. We met shortly after he settled in and we were married the following year.
Prior to meeting him, I really had no knowledge of dairy farming or agriculture in general. One would assume being in a rural community I would have been exposed to dairy or any other form of AG, but that simply wasn't the case.
3. What is your favorite part of your farming lifestyle?
I love watching my husband do what he has always wanted to do. His dream has come true and it makes me so proud.
The fact that we live on the farm and we can take our kids to work with us every day is just something I cannot even begin to explain. We are truly blessed with the life we live.
4. What have you struggled with?
Honestly, it is so discouraging seeing folks within AG constantly tearing each other down.
97% of U.S. farms are family owned. There are no two farms the same and there is no way that they could be. Everyone is doing what is best for their farm or ranch and NO farmer is better than the other.
It is so sad to see farmers put down others because they feel like "their way" is the "right way". It's hard to watch happen. I have had my fair share of struggles on the farm, but this tops all of that.

5. What has been the most surprising thing about incorporating this into your life?
Having a dairy farm makes one put the needs of others (in this case, cows) before your own.
We have 140 milk cows plus young stock that need us every day. While we may not get to attend everything we are invited to or travel all over the world... having something that you devote your entire life to is something that is hard to explain until you have made that transition.
Knowing that not everything revolves around you- that is something I like and think more people need to experience.
6. How has being involved in agriculture affected your faith?
We have been through it the past 6.5 years.
We simply couldn't do what we do without God's grace. There are times I get set in my own way, things might be going well and I just know God uses our farm to get my attention and pull me back on track.
Our farm theme verse is Philippians 4:13.
7. What advice would you give a complete newbie (you know, like me)?
Build strong relationships within your local AG community, keep the line of communication open with those you do business with, never for a minute think your way is the only way. Be open minded.
There is so much to learn. Farming is constantly learning, working hard, being open-minded and willingness to try new things.
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She loves to write, take photos, travel & meet new people. She shares her everyday farm life on her blog, "The Farmer's Wifee". She is the co-founder of "Ask the Farmers", a CommonGround volunteer and new board member for the AgChat Foundation. She loves agriculture and the people in it. She is passionate about helping farmers/ranchers find their voice and share their AG story with others.
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I feel so ignorant when it comes to agriculture/farming! I lived in NH for 12 years and one of my favorite things to do was visit farms. this was an interesting read. thank you for sharing!