Blessings this Week: 01.31.2015 | The Speckled Goat: Blessings this Week: 01.31.2015


Blessings this Week: 01.31.2015

After a great time in Colorado, we had a safe trip home despite some slippery roads.


Fun new projects- and learning new things (check out the little circles to the right!--->
I learned how to do that this week!)



Phone calls with KK



The coffee maker was inaccessible at work this week (the maintenance guys are working on a project in the dining hall), and my darling hubby surprised me with some "liquid life" from home.


Encouraging friends


Being "greeted" in the morning by two huge turkeys right outside my front door (and I didn't even have my camera with me! I was so bummed!)


Happy Friday, friends! Have a great weekend! 

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